Thomas Wood Fine Art, thirty shows: Nicasio 1992-2024
Toby’s Gallery, Pt. Reyes Station '10,21,22,24
Bay Model, “The Bigger Picture: A Brush with Nature” (with Chris Adessa), Sausalito '19
Rancho Nicasio restaurant, Nicasio '16
Thomas Wood Fine Art (with Sophia Wood), Nicasio '13
Pt. Reyes National Seashore Association, “Thomas Wood Paints the Marin Landscape,”
PRNS HQ, Bear Valley '13
ArtLife, “Silver & Oil” (with Art Rogers), Sebastopol '13
North Point Gallery, “Gottardo Piazzoni and his Legacy”
(with Piazzoni, Russell Chatham, Maurice del Mué), San Francisco '10
New Timezone Gallery,“Silver & Oil” (with Art Rogers), San Francisco '10
Pelican Studio,“Silver & Oil” (with Art Rogers) Pt. Reyes Station '09
Claudia Chapline Gallery, “Silver & Oil” (with Art Rogers), Stinson Beach '08
Dance Palace, Pt. Reyes '86,87,06
Bolinas Museum,“The Piazzoni Legacy” (with Gottardo Piazzoni, Russell Chatham,
Mireille Piazzoni Wood), '05
Eileen Reynolds Curtis Museum, Sausalito '05
California Collectors’ Gallery, “California Light,” Kentfield '02
California Collectors’ Gallery, Kentfield '00
Bonnafont Gallery, San Francisco '00
Inverness Park Place, Inverness Park '93,00
William Lester Gallery,“On Location,” Pt. Reyes Station '00
Bradford Smock Gallery, “Affirmations of Life,” San Francisco '99
Bradford Gallery, “Particular Places,” San Anselmo '96
Bradford Gallery, “Direct Observations” (with Joseph Bacon, William Sheets), San Anselmo '94
Bradford Gallery, “Thomas Wood Paints the Marin Landscape,” San Anselmo '94
Pt. Reyes Seashore Lodge, Olema '93
San Rafael Improvement Club, San Rafael '89,90,92
Fairfax Women’s Club, event supporting Brandborg Cellars Winery, Fairfax '88,89
Jan Holloway Gallery, “The Piazzoni Family and the LandscapeTradition” (with Mireille & Philip Wood, Russell Chatham, Gottardo Piazzoni), San Francisco '88
Finish Gallery (three-person), Ketchum, Idaho '87
Fort Mason Center (with Joseph Bacon, William Sheets), San Francisco '86
Fort Mason Center (with Joseph Bacon), San Francisco '84,85
Darkroom Gallery, (with Jo Moss), San Rafael '85
Ross Curtis Gallery, Sausalito '82
Marin Civic Center Exhibit Hall, San Rafael '23
“Where We Call Home,” San Geronimo '19; San Rafael '20
“Pressing Matters” (etchings), San Geronimo '19
“Ranches & Rolling Hills,” twenty-one shows, benefit for Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT), Nicasio 1998-2017, Ross '19
"Glimpse of Nicasio," supporting Nicasio Historical Society, Nicasio '17
Toby’s Gallery, Pt. Reyes Station '17
Bolinas Museum,“Mini Show”(small works) '03,04,05,06,07,09,10,11,12,13,15,17
"A Celebration of Printmakers" (etchings), Marin Civic Center Exhibit Hall, San Rafael '16
Art by the Bay Weekend Gallery, Marshall '13,14
Gallery Route One, “The Box Show,” Point Reyes Station '13
Bay Model,“The Bigger Picture,” benefit for Surfrider Foundation, Sausalito '12
“West Marin Wild,” Pt. Reyes Natl Seashore HQ '03,05,07,09
Bay Model, BayWood Artists, benefit for Russian Riverkeeper, Sausalito '07
Marin Arts Festival, Marin Civic Center grounds, San Rafael '07
Bay Model, BayWood Artists, benefit for Marin Conservation League, Sausalito '06
Bolinas Museum, benefit auction '00,01,02,03,04,05,06
"Marin/Scapes,” benefit for Buckelew Houses (mental health),
Larkspur '89,90,91,93,94,96,97,98,99,06
Bay Model, BayWood Artists, benefit for Bay Model Association, Sausalito '05
Family Farm, Committee for Green Foothills juried benefit, Woodside '04
Presidio of San Francisco, benefit for Gulf of the Farallones Marine Sanctuary '04
Bay Model, BayWood Artists, benefit for Mt. Tamalpais
Conservation Club, Sausalito '03
California Collectors’ Gallery, Kentfield '99(2),01,02,03
Presidio of San Francisco, BayWood Artists, benefit for
Golden Gate National Parks Association '02
“Art on the Farm,” benefit for Organic Farmers, Pt. Reyes Station '01
William Lester Gallery, Pt. Reyes Station '00
Marin Community Foundation, Larkspur '00
California State Capitol,“Senate Art Collection 2000,” Sacramento '00
Costanoa Lodge, San Mateo County '99
Bradford Smock Gallery, San Francisco '98
“A Celebration of Printmakers,” San Rafael Civic Center '98
Bradford Gallery, San Anselmo '95(2)
Asian Art Museum, San Francisco '95
Paul Rest Fine Art, Sebastopol '95
Diamond Mart, benefit for Kobe, Japan earthquake relief, San Francisco '95
Dance Palace, Pt. Reyes '90
Belvedere-Tiburon Landmarks Society, Tiburon '88
Tomales Bay, a three-canvas, 54x234-inch mural installation, Pt. Reyes Station Library, 1998-2003
California Hills, a 48x66-inch canvas for Art in the Embassies program, U.S. Embassy, Belmopan, Belize, 2005-2008
Artwork in: periodicals West Marin Review (Point Reyes Station 2016 and 2019) and Bay Nature (Berkeley Jan-Mar 2011); a calendar, Plein Air Painters of California 2013 (; a book, Ranches and Rolling Hills – A Land in Trust, Elisabeth Ptak (Sausalito 2008)
Solo Show, Toby's Gallery, Point Reyes Station, 2024
all contents © 2025 Thomas Wood - all rights reserved